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Water Level Sensor

The Storage Container Motion protects and is specifically designed for metal containers. Its remote transmitter ensures maximum range.

  • Wireless

  • Tamperproof

  • LED Indicator Light



How do I test it?

Place the probe into a container of water and check to see if the zone light flashes on your tattletale.


After you are done testing, completely dry the probe off to clear the zone.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why does my sensor stay tripped when it's not being used?

The spring or cover may be loose. Also, the Reset Button may not have been pushed.


There may also be moisture on the probe.

How many times can the Water Level Sensor be used?

So long as there is no damage to the probe or transmitter, the sensor is reusable.

Can the sensor be used to detect liquids other than water?

No, do not use the Water Level Sensor in liquids other than water. Other liquids will not conduct properly, which means the signal will not be sent properly.


The probe is only rated for the detection of water.

How do I reset my tattletale after an event?

Make sure your base unit is disarmed, and then simply dry off the probe.

Why do the police respond when my sensor is tripped?

If you do not want the police dispatched and they do show up, then the monitoring is likely not set up correctly.


You would likely need this sensor programmed to a Maintenance Zone.

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